What is DiCyano?
DiCyano is a research and Innovation project under the joint call of Vinnova and Formas: AI in the service of climate. DiCyano aims to create a digital platform to support the water industry's need for early identification of climate-related increases in the prevalence of harmful cyanobacteria. The project period is from Nov. 2020 to Dec. 2022.
Who are the dedicated team members?
DiCyano is led by Water Resources Engineering, Lund University supported by LUWater and AI-Lund. The DiCyano project includes a triple helix consortium with a strong research team allied by Lund University, Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala University, and the teams’ external research network in Singapore and China. Two large drinking water utilities and one municipality are taking active roles to provide case studies, i.e. Sydvatten (serving drinking water for 17 municipalities and 900 000 customers), Norrvatten (700 000 customers), and Växjö municipality (94 000 inhabitants around 4 lakes). GEMIT Solutions and Brockmann Geomatics Sweden are technology providers that will assist in product and market development. WIN Water is the facilitator for rapid product development and market access. Sweden Water Research is a municipal research company, which will facilitate project results to reach the water industry.