Working packages

WP1: Case studies (CS)

Group leader: Jing Li, Lund University
● Perform internal calibration for an advanced sensor for all three case studies
● Apply and verify CyanoAlert function for all three case studies
● Study species and toxin profile for all three case studies
● Test feasibility for an early warning system for each case study
● Perform each case study's targeted focuses

WP 2. Data Platform

Group leader: Anderas Sune Konring, Ramboll


● Setup data platform to integrate different data source

● Dataset connection with visualization platform 

WP3: AI and Modelling

Group leader: Dr. JingJie Zhang

● Perform data analysis with various computational tools such as NN for big data analysis
● Develop open-source water quality modeling for Swedish waters
● Generate answers for research questions

WP4: Visualization Platform for Decision Support

Group leader: Anderas Sune Konring, Ramboll

● Establish IT infrastructure for new modules
● Perform interface design and test its functionality
● Create a user-friendly visualization platform

WP5: Dissemination and Commercialization

Group leader: Maria Sätherström-Lantz, WIN Water


● Disseminate project results 
● Reach potential future clients
● Facilitate business setup

WP6: Project and Administrative management

Group leader: Jing Li, Lund University


● Project management and coordination
● Financial administration
● Project report